Monday, October 24, 2005

Plame Name Game

Raw Story, a web site which has broken lots of news of the Ftizgerald investigation into who “outed” Valerie Plame, is reporting that David Wurmser, a committed neo-fascist and Cheney aide, informed Libby of Plame’s identity. Cheney’s chief of staff, “Scooter”Libby instructed Wurmser to find out who Plame's husband Joseph Wilson was after Wilson began informing associates and reporters that the Bush administration had cooked the intelligence on Iraq. Libby then passed Plame’s identity on to Rove and others in the administration.

Wurmser had access to CIA intelligence through his work with Douglas Feith, the third ranking Pentagon official whom General Tommy Franks called the “dumbest f---ing man in the world”, a assessment with which Colin Powell’s top aide, Larry Wikerson agrees, in the secret Pentagon Iraq intelligence “stove piping” operation.

After Wurmser reported back to Libby, Libby instructed Wurmser to leak Plame’s identity to reporters.

We will find out this week which Bush administration officials and, hopefully, "reporters" will be indicted.

Read the story here.

1 comment:

You Know Me said...

El Macho Grande,

I certainly share your sentiment that Bush and Cheney should be impeached, after all they both lied to investigators, and that Rove, Libby, Feith, Rumsfeld, Perle, Rice, Powell, Abrams, Hadely, Wumser and the whole host of others who orchestrated the march to illegal war should be indicted and tried. I would include the likes of William Kristol, Brit Hume, Judith Miller, and the other media propagandists.

However, I don't share your faith that justice will be done in this case. I don't expect Rove or any of the other venal swine to spend any time in jail; and I certainly don't think anything will come of a Congressional investigation, other than the granting o immunity, a la Oliver North, so that the culprits will be spared prosecution. There are no Sam Ervins, Barbara Jordans, or Howard Bakers in Congress these days and the republicans in control of congress have shown and anxious willingness to sweep the Bush administration crimes under the rug. Look what Pat Roberts has done with the 9-11 investigation that has never been moved into phase II as promised. Of course, there is also the pardon option, which I don't for a minute that Bush will exercise.

The republican revolution may die but the national democratic leadership is no better. Ever since Reagan's election most democrats, with a few notable exceptions, have run from the liberal label and have mostly taken the DLC approach of allowing the republicans to establish the subject of discussion and then rush to outflank the republicans on the right. Bruce Reed and the other DLCers, who in my opinion are no different than Rove after they teamed with the Kerry and Gephardt campaigns to sabotage the Dean campaign, constantly hold up Clinton's victories as validation of their approach; but I think Clinton's victories were due to Clinton's presence and his empathetic nature (or convincing act). Kerry took the DLC approach and snatched defeat from the jaws of victory by running a completely flaccid campaign and by generally being one who is unable to relate to the average person, kind of like George Bush Sr. going to the grocery store during his campaign and expressing awe at the scanners.

I hope you're right and that justice will be done; but justice was not done relative to the Iran Contra conspiracy and cover up, so I don't expect justice now.