Saturday, October 08, 2005

As a Corrupt Group a Group as There Has Been

Bush's top procurement officer has been frog marched out of the White House by FBI agents and been charged with four counts of lying to federal and congressional investigators; DeLay has been indicted for violations of Texas campaign contribution statutes; Frist is under investigation by the SEC for insider trading related to the fortuitous timing of the sale of stock in the Hospital Corporation of America, a company his father started; Rove and Libby are facing indictment, perhaps for espionage and conspiracy; California congressman Duke Cunningham is in hot water for accepting bribes; quite a number of top Ohio republicans, including the governor are facing indictment for using state pension funds to buy rare coins through a crony; republican bagman, Jack Abramoff, and a whole host of his cronies, including Ohio congressman Bob Ney, have been, or will be, indicted for all sorts of shenanigans, including the murder of a former Abramoff business partner; and I'm sure there are many other instances I've forgotten or haven't heard of.

Bush promised to return honor and dignity to the White House and instead has given us unrivaled mendacity; unprecedented incompetence; unparalleled venality; and corruption on a level that surpasses that of the Nixon years and probably that of any we've seen throughout the history of our nation.

These folks are the same folks who spent 8 years and millions of taxpayer money dogging Clinton's every move; came up with almost nothing; and have now rendered the U. S. to almost the status of a banana republic.

So let's all give a big atta boy or girl to all of the fools that voted to reelect our perpetual adolescent president.


Anonymous said...

The stench of financial corruption is rising pretty high among the Republicans. When contempt for government is at the core of your political philosophy, it's not surprising.

As for the voters you're talking about, I think they're the same gullible people that commute in big pickup trucks or SUVs sporting "support our troops" and Jesus paraphernalia. Ironically, I believe it's the price of gasoline that has really got their attention, and turned them against the Bushies.

Your apartment looks fine.

You Know Me said...

You got that right. Most people in the U. S. don't give a shit until they feel an economic impact. Folks in Washington state didn't give a crap about the plan to build over 20 nuclear power plants in the state until the costs of the construction entered the rate base; and, all of the sudden, the reactionary "Irate Ratepayers" emerged. Of course, by then it was way too late.

Anonymous said...

I was being kind the other day when I let someone into traffic who had been waiting for sometime. When I saw the fish on the car I wanted to run her off the road!