Saturday, October 08, 2005

Judith Miller – Media Whore. And, War Profiteer?

We know now that New York Times “reporter” Judith Miller dutifully prostrated herself, and the once proud New York Times, to Vice-president Cheney, his chief of staff Scooter Libby, John Bolton and other administration lying ideologues by pushing their “anonymous” reports relating to Iraqi attempts to obtain aluminum tubes for nuclear centrifuges, Niger uranium, Russian smallpox virus, and a multitude of other fabrications aimed at building public and congressional support for the conquering of Iraq and “privatizing” its resources to U.S. corporations.

After voluntarily spending more than 80 days in jail for refusing to testify before the Plame Name Game grand jury, despite the fact that Libby has last year released her from her reporter’s confidentiality responsibilities; and all the time playing the victim, Miller has, reportedly, received a $1.2 million book deal.

Some time ago someone close to Miller, apparently from the New York Times, began providing information to Arianna Huffington, who is reporting the book deal. Miller seems to be so completely impressed with herself that she apparently has trouble refraining from touting herself.

Read the report here.


Anonymous said...

Are you suggesting Miller sat in jail for 80 days for a book deal? I must agree it has an awful smell about it - by why didn't she write about the information? And why hasn't any attention been placed on Novak? I think it is the 28th of this month that this is suppose to be over (if doesn't get extended) - maybe we will know something by then?

Meanwhile the the people in NY are again told to live their lives as usual - don't worry.


You Know Me said...

I read in one recent news report that Miller had secured an agreement with Fitzgerald that she must only answer questions about her conversations with Libby. Also in the last couple of days Miller has mysteriously discovered notes from a June 2003 conversations with Libby, which was about a month before the Novak column, which ultimately precipitated the investigation. However, it was a May 6, 2003 Nicholas Kristof column in the New York Times relative to the Niger uranium canard which caused Cheney et al to begin looking into Ambassador Wilson. Remember also that the State Dept. had prepared a memo in early June, 2003 on the Wilson trip to Niger.

Which all leads me to believe that Miller spent time in jail to protect herself; and, perhaps John Bolton, whom we know is close to Miller, or some other State Dept. official. As I speculated here some time back, my guess is that Bolton, who worked at the State Dept. at the time, passed the Plame information on to Miller and Miller passed it on to Libby who conspired with archangel Rove to out Plame as a warning to others who may be disposed to expose the Bush Administration lies about Iraq.

Larry Johnson, a former intelligence agent who worked with Plame raises a question that has all too infrequently been asked. Where did the forged the Niger uranium documents originate? His guess is in Cheney's office, which may explain why Cheney and Libby took such a keen interest in the matter.

Read Johnson's commentary here: