Thursday, October 20, 2005

Judith Miller

The two of you who have been reading my commentary have noticed that I have repeatedly referred to Judith Miller, New York Time "reporter", as a "media whore." Apparently Miller is more than merely a whore, she, reportedly, was one of the White House's chief corporate media propagandists.

The New York Daily News, which has been doing some good, reliable reporting on the Plame Name Game and the Fitzgerald investigation, yesterday reported the following comment from "a source."

"'They [the White House Iraq Group] were funneling information to [New York Times reporter] Judy Miller. Judy was a charter member'" the source said."

The White House Iraq Group [WHIG] was the entity created to cook the intelligence relative to Iraqi WMDs, since the White House wasn't getting what it wanted from established intelligence agencies. The WHIG has, reportedly, become a focus of the Fitzgerald investigation and, reportedly, is where the plan to out Valrie Plame originated.

Read the story here.


Anonymous said...

There may be many reading your rantings but only two who have been resonding.

Anonymous said...

Are you able to watch the "Colbert Report"? It follows the Daily Show. You will like it.

You Know Me said...

I know I have more than two readers; and actually have a number or responders. It just a joke. OK, a bad joke.

As for the Colbert Report, Comedy Central is not available in even the most expensive cable package here. Reports of the show have appeared in a couple of the news blog I regulaly read, though, and it sounds like a great format. It seems to me, though, that it would be hard to create more of a parody the cable news channels than they do of themselves.

Thanks for reading and commenting amigo.

Anonymous said...

So was Ms Miller complicit, or was she just dumb? And which is worse?


You Know Me said...

Well, of course, I don’t know. We will find out for sure later this week as the grand jury term ends Friday.

However, it is clear that Miller withheld evidence of her June meeting with Libby during her first appearance before the grand jury, after completion of her “martyrdom”. It was only after prosecutors led Miller in to committing perjury by withholding the fact that they knew of the June meeting that Miller mysteriously found her notes of the June meeting and went back before the grand jury to answer more questions.

I think she has been complicit in the whole thing, from start to finish; but, as I said, I don’t really know.

I hope the grand jury nails the lying media whore/propagandist to the wall and that she has to spend some real time in prison. Of course I think New York Times editor Bill Keller and its publisher Arthur Schulzberg should also spend time in jail for allowing Miller to report as facts the lies of the neo-fascists in the Bush administration and their ally Chalabi.

As Thomas Jefferson wrote to Lafayette:
“The only security of all is in a free press. The force of public opinion cannot be resisted when permitted freely to be expressed. The agitation it produces must be submitted to. It is necessary, to keep the waters pure.”

Keller, Schulzberg and Miller have rendered the NYT to the status of the “yellow press” practiced by William Randolph Hearst in lying about the sinking of the Maine in pushing for war against Spain. The story is the same.