Tuesday, February 14, 2006

When Will They Ever Learn

I am at a complete loss. What's new, you might say. But when 60% of the USA population disapproves of Bush'’s "“handling"” of the Iraq "Issue"”; and everyone with even the slightest cognizance knows that the Bush administration, and itÂ’s and Israeli foreign policy supporters, lied the USA public into supporting their way into the Iraq adventure, why would 47% of the USA public now believe the lies that the very same people are now telling them about, and support a military strike on, Iran?

As the Kingston Trio asked, in their song "“Where Have All the Flowers Gone"”, "“When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn?"”

The answer is that they won't. Remember the Maine? Remember the Gulf of Tokin Resolution? Remember the Cubans in Grenada? Remember the commies under your bed?

Flowers will continue to go to young girls, young girls will continue to go to young men, young men will continue to go to soldiers, soldiers will continue to go to graveyards, and the graveyards will continue to go to flowers. Those who profit from USA wars will continue to promote and profit from the war. And half the USA public will continue to give a shit; and happily, mindlessly, and obediently move to where the shepherds of war and their media enablers herd them.

Military strikes on Iran could kill 10,000 and result in a wider Middle East war.


Anonymous said...

Good Greif, if that's possible. The Bankers and the FDIC profit from the wars.
Until ALL people shove the monies up the war mongers asses, THEY will keep on keepin on.
I have my guess about armageddon.. if you break it down and do some/a lot of research old greek/roman etc., you will find that it's meaning is very close to "war over a mountain of money". do the research before you anonymously piss on my sactuary.

You Know Me said...

Sr. Luke de Lucas,

Welcome. It's very nice to hear from you. Thanks for checking in with the blog and thanks verey much for all of your comments.
