Monday, February 06, 2006

Compost Pile II

Apparently El Gringo Loco is getting a reputation in the neighborhood. A few days ago my neighbor Joel hollered at me, while I was in the back yard on aphid patrol, that there was someone at my front door. As it turned out it was the fellow who owns the house next door wanting to know if I wanted the pickup truck load of vegetative waste he had removed from his yard. Of course, being El Gringo Loco, I accepted.

As it was, I had just turned the compost pile and consolidated it into about half of its original area, so had just the spot for my neighbor's “organicos”. The waste he brought had just the right mix of green (wet) and brown (dry) materials which I layered into the vacant area and watered down. Now it is steaming hot.

Previously I had salvaged quite a load of vegetation from another neighbor and created a second compost pile. Last week the fellows Sr. Monsreal hired to pour a concrete parking area removed quite a bit of vegetation from parking area to be and piled it next to compost pile II. I have since incorporated it into the pile and watered it a bit. There is not much green in the pile so I don’t expect it to cook, as is compost pile I which is covered with black plastic.

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