Wednesday, February 15, 2006

More Abu Ghraib Photos Make Me Ashamed

If you want to see what the Bush administration and USA service personnel are doing in your name, an Australian TV station has obtained additional photos of the abuse at Abu Ghraib. This stuff sickens me, and makes me ashamed to admit that I am of the USA.

Having said that, I believe that the vast majority of USA service personnel are honorable, ethical human beings who are also sickened by such depravity. Though I think the service person grinning in the photos should be locked up for a very long time, the fault of the atrocities at Abu Ghraib ultimately lies with George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Alberto Gonzales, other administration officials who abide, and actually encourage, such; Congress, the members of which, by and large, apparently do not have the moral compass necessary to know right from wrong and to put an end to the atrocities; and military leaders who lack the backbone to say no to the amoral criminals running the country and insist on the observation of the Geneva Conventions.

I also believe the other elements in play that have enabled the Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay atrocities is the racism of a large portion of the USA population, particularly toward those of the Islamic faith; and a generally pathetic media that abides such bigotry. After all how many of USA media outlets carry the commentary of the hateful and virulent Ann Coulter, the bigot who refers to those who wear turban type headwear as “rag heads.”

That worthless, low-budget, backwater outpost of the Stephens Media Empire that serves where I used to live, The Daily World of Aberdeen, WA USA, did and may still. The fact that Coulter is widely syndicated is an indication that she has a large audience who, presumably, appreciates her brand of hateful bigotry.


Anonymous said...

when i see these and i hear the UN report on guantonamo bay I also feel ashamed.....the most disturbing feeling though is my feeling of helplessness to change things for these poor people. How did we allow our country to become so entrenched in corruption that we have to endure these injustices in our name........i now know how it must have felt to have lived in Nazi Germany......all the violence with no way to affect a change.


You Know Me said...

It is indeed discouraging. The people of the USA have all of the tools available to change things, most people just don't care. It doesn't help matters that the media is not focused on informing folks; but, rather, on pandering to the lowest common denominator to maximize shareholder value.

Thanks for checking in Moonrock, and for your thoughtful comments. That's what keep me at it.