Tuesday, February 21, 2006


I imagine if these grandstands, erected in Hunucma for the upcoming Carnaval celebrations, were erected in the USA, the fire and police chiefs, the OSHA inspector, the insurance company risk manager and a host of others would be shitting bricks.

Though there have already been something like 18 Caranval parties that have rotated around Merida's major parks, Carnaval 2006 will be kicked off tomorrow night with the ceremonial "Burning of the Bad Moods" in front of the Municipal Building. Then comes six major parades in six days.

Last evening I walked down the Paseo Montejo, on my way two colonias (neighborhoods) North to take a look at a restaurant in a beautiful colonial house. Paseo Montejo, one of the most beautiful boulevards in the City, is a major part of the Carnaval parade route.

Bleachers have been placed in the median for parade spectators; Coca Cola, Pepsi, and Corona cabanas and vendor booths line block after block; the trash containers have been removed from their posts; and the banks and other business have put up defensive fences.

I'll give you all the details of the week long party.


Karen Taylor de Caballero said...

I had no idea about the "burning of the Bad Moods"-- this is awesome! Thanks for the heads up... and you're so right about the whole OSHA thing-- I like this place for keeping us on our toes.

You Know Me said...

You may find a schedule of events at this web site. You probably don't need it, but at the top is an English link that opens a complete schedule.
