I had hoped to buy a ticket to opening night on March 22 but was informed single tickets don't go on sale until March 1. Now one may only purchase season tickets.
Today there was a tryout for a number of catchers, who took turns receiving the ball from a pitching machine and throwing to the bases. The team members, in orange, jogged around the field and did their calesthetics in the outfield.

Visit Los Leones web site.
I get a tremendous kick out of riding the local buses here and intend to post on the subject soon.
YNM, have you gotten hold of the beautiful new metro bus map of Merida? I've found it VERY useful in making it around Merida by bus. It's been out for about 6 weeks now. Available at (some of) the newsstands on the Plaza Mayor. Anyway, I look forward to reading about your bus adventures.
No, I do not have such a map; but I will certainly get one. I need a bus system map. I bought a map "Plano de la Cuidad" some months ago. It's a beautiful map and shows, and includes a numbered index of, all of the colonias; which is pretty handy since, as you know, the street numbers change abruptly upon entering a different colonia.
Tonight, however, the map couldn't overcome my dunder head. I was looking for Calle 16 in C. Itzimna but should been in C. Mexico. I sucked up the male ego and asked a couple of police officers, who went so far in helping me as to drive around looking for the restaurantI was searching for and finally to call the restaurant owner and determined I was looking in the wrong colonia.
I was a bit late for my appointment but it worked out as the restaurant owners' daughter, who was to translate when necessary, was also late. They are closed on Mondays so owners' had asked me to come by for the complete tour of the restaurant, living quarters above, and the back patio pool area. They have done a stunning job of taking an old colonial home, with a great facade, and turning it into a premium restaurant, the Tango Gaucho. You can guess what type of food they specialize in. Heavy on the beef.
Just another great day in the Yucatan.
So far as I know, a bus system map didn't exist until this one came out-- and boy is it a sight to see-- colors and arrows and whatnot, but definitely a help.
I'm a little confused about your restaurant visit-- I take it you didn't go there to eat, it being closed and all... a possible place to buy? Tango Gaucho really sounds familiar... someone just mentioned it the other day, or I saw it... can't remember which.
Anyway, if you want to eat beef sometime, let me know!
Acting upon your tip I picked up a bus map today. I love it, but I like maps. I've pretty much figured out which bus to take to the Leones and where to get it.
The restaurant is indeed for sale. I began looking at Merida real estate internet sites in late 2004 shortly, after a fellow, out of the blue, offered to buy my place in Washington state; and I ran across an ad for the Tango Gaucho. Not that the idea of operating a restaurant is real appealing to me, but it is an amazingly beautiful building and I wanted to see it in person, so to speak.
So, last Saturday I headed out on a walk to try to locate the restaurant. The directions in the internet ad are a bit vague but I headed in the general direction and eventually I happened upon it. By the time I found it I urgently needed a haircut (the Tappet brothers code for needing to use the bathroom) and decided to go in to use the bathroom. Of course, I couldn’t just walk in and ask to use the bathroom, so I ordered a beer before I asked for the bathroom.
When I returned from the bathroom, the really nice waiter, all decked out in his crisp, white outfit, informed me that I needed to also order some food. As I was waiting for my salad and French fries I mentioned to the waiter that I’d seen the ad on the internet; and in short order the owners appeared.
I assured them that I was not presently in the position of buying their restaurant and didn’t want to waste their time, but they insisted that I come back Monday evening for the full tour. The place is a work of art; and the walls are covered with art, much of it produced by one of the owners.
As for a Tango Gaucho outing for some Argentinian style beef let me know when you’d like to go. Your life is quite a bit busier than is mine so let me know. I do want to go back for dinner and would like to chat you up, as they say. We can catch a bus.
On another note, being in the language business here I suspect that you know of the “Lenguaalternative School” on Calle 37 X 72A y 74. I know nothing of it, other than walking by; but ran across an announcement on Merida Insider that they are having a carnaval party Saturday at 9:00 for a $20 peso donation. They will have appetizers and beer for sale. I am planning to check it out after the parade to see what the school is all about and to meet new people.
Let me know when you want to go for a beef dinner. Perhaps I’ll run into you tomorrow evening. I noticed today that the city has put up defensive fences around the garden beds in the Plaza de la Independencia, so I’m guessing there will be quite a crowd.
Hey, YNM, send me an email, and we´ll talk camiones, carnes, y más. katmail68@yahoo.com
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