Saturday, December 31, 2005

Cafe Excreta

You coffee aficionados will certainly want to try this Indonesian variety with “the taste and aroma enhanced by the digestive system of palm civets, nocturnal tree-climbing creatures about the size of a large house cat”, according to this Reuters report. At $175. per pound I’m sure you’ll be rushing right out to get yours.

Apparently the civet eats the coffee berries and excretes the beans which are collected and sold to people with more money than sense. Shall we call it Café Excreta? Crapresso? Civet Shit Especial? I’m sure some of you can come with better marketing handles, so let’s see your suggestions.

Whatever, like all coffee, I’m sure a cup would be good when you’re down in the dumps. It’s alimentary canal certified.

Best wishes for a healthful and prosperous new year.

1 comment:

You Know Me said...

Greetings mcclearylineman. How very nice to hear from you. I actually have your email address in my address book.

Thanks for following the blog and for your comment. I am really happy to hear that you’re following and enjoying my ruminations.

The melons are doing fine, now that I have the aphids on the run from my morning and afternoon application of mildly soapy water. I have passed on to Dusty your salutations and can report that Dusty has become quite good at sitting and staying when instructed to do so.

As to the location of the “rest of the garden”, (that brings Paul Harvey to mind) regrettably there is none. Armando and Joel keep asking me when I will plant the “rest of the garden” and I keep responding as soon as they bring me the necessary seeds. So far neither has.

You guys always accused me of having such as garden in the Satsop but I actually never did, as I didn’t want to risk having my property confiscated by the cops, who work on commission these days. I certainly cannot deny imbibing regularly, and if I had my own place here and thought I could get away with it I just might put in the “rest of the garden.”

Keep your comments coming and give my regards to your comrades working the lines.