Since I last reported I’ve planted garlic, onions, another planting of lettuce, and a variety of larger tomatoes. The lettuce is doing famously, in fact I ate the first picking on my burritos this evening. The Roma type tomatoes and watermelon have withstood an attack of American Serpentine Leaf Miners which are the larva of small flies which lay their eggs within the leaves. The larva then wander through the leaves feeding on the chlorophyll and other elements, leaving a serpentine white trail. I read that ants are one of the leaf miner’s many predators so assume the ants took care of them.
The Roma tomato plants have recovered nicely and are just about large enough to be moved from their containers to the garden. A couple of the watermelon plants have become so large that they have lain over and are producing tendrils. Some of the cantaloupe plants have succumbed for some reason so I have replanted. Others are doing well and putting on lots of new growth.
Some of the garlic I planted last week has emerged and the seeds of the larger tomato variety have sprouted in their nursery.
Armando, my 88 year old Cuban American neighbor, continues to bring me coffee grounds from the shop he frequents; and which, upon his advice, I visited a couple days ago to buy some decent coffee. In fact, it is very, very good coffee. I bought espresso beans ground as fine as the grinder can produce.
I have also purchased a small trash can with a tight lid into which Joel and Armando are now depositing their kitchen wastes for the compost pile. Speaking of the compost pile, it is ready for turning so yesterday I walked the few blocks to the local hardware store and though the proprietor did not have a pitch fork in stock he promised me he would have it for me Monday morning. The proprietor, an older gentleman, was “muy amble”, as they say here, and was very talkative and inquisitive. We enjoyed a nice chat until another customer arrived and required his attention.
One of the things I really like about Merida is that there are small specialty shops in each neighborhood, which together provide almost anything one needs or wants. There is the Walmart, Chedraui, Office Depot, Costco, and I suppose other big boxes; but the neighborhood stores remain. Perhaps because most, I assume, folks don’t have cars. I am very much enjoying the fact I can walk, generally a short distance, to buy whatever I need.
By the way....where do you get the water for the garden?....is there much rain at your place? The yard looks dry and like it drains rapidly.
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I have been filling buckets from my kitchen tap and hauling them to the garden. There are spigots out in the yard, two of them that feed the laundry trays, but the pressure is very low. The municipal system pressure is low so the houses here have pumps that pump the water up to roof top tanks.
The Yucatan is like one big limestone rock with underground rivers so there is lots of water underground. Many homes have private wells for filling swimming pools and irrigation.
I told my landlord, Sr. Lopez Monsreal, that if thinks I should pay more the water I use for the garden he told me to use all of the water I need and to not worry about it. My neighbor Joel tells me that water is very cheap here.
I went this morning to my local hardware store and bought chicken wire with which to put a fence around the garden to keep Rusty, Joel's dog, and the neighborhood cats out. Rusty's not very careful with where he walks and the cats find the garden the perfect place to crap.
I see I did a lousy editing job on my comment, but I don't know how to open it back up to make corrections. It seems that someone, a while back, told me I how could reopen my comments but I don't remember.
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