Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Plant Nursery

Last Wednesday I located a store that sells vegetable seeds and purchased lettuce, tomatoes, habanera peppers, cantaloupe and watermelon seeds.

Upon returning home I filled my plant nursery with soil I excavated and planted the seed. The nursery consists of a discarded medicine cabinet I found in the back yard.

The seeds are sprouting. At the bottom of the photo is a row of lettuce; in the center section are watermelon and cantaloupe; and in the upper section, not visible in the photo, are tomatoes. The habaneras have not yet sprouted.

This morning I am off to the central market for some chicken wire with which to keep Rusty, my neighbor's miniature Pincher, out of the garden; a shovel; a rake; and some hardware cloth to sieve the rocks from soil to produce a more suitable soil in which to transplant the starts.

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