Friday, November 18, 2005

A Busy Day for Criminal Charges

Jack Abramoff partner Michael Scanlon has been charged with conspiracy to bribe government officials. Scanlon has apparently flipped, made a deal with prosecutors, and will testify against others.

By James V. Grimaldi and Susan Schmidt
Washington Post Staff WriterFriday, November 18, 2005; 4:47 PM

“Michael Scanlon, a former top congressional aide who became a partner of high-flying lobbyist Jack Abramoff, was charged today with conspiracy to bribe government officials and cheat Indian tribes out of millions of dollars.

“The government officials were not named in the court papers filed by U.S. prosecutors in the District, but details of the gifts and legislative favors provided by an official identified as ‘Representative #1’ match the alleged actions of Rep. Robert W. Ney (R-Ohio), chairman of the House Administration Committee.”

Read the Scanlon criminal charge story here.

Also tied up in this scandal are Ralph Reed, formerly of the Christian Coalition, who took money from certain Indian tribes with gambling enterprises to organize preachers to persuade the former Texas Attorney General, now U. S. senator Jon Corzine, to shut down other Indian gambling enterprises. Also tied up in this scandal is Grover Norquist, head of Americans for Tax Reform and at whose knee each week genuflect 100, or so, of the most influential republicans in Washington D. C.

Those in Washington State and those invested in Microsoft should be interested to know that Abramoff once worked for Preston Gates Ellis, the Seattle law firm of Bill Gates father, and that Microsoft, in the past, hired Abramoff and Reed to lobby for it.

Read the sordid Reed, Abramoff, Norquist tale here.

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