Sunday, July 30, 2006

Joe Lieberman Takes It In The Shorts

Sorry for the iconoflatulence (a term coined by my high school buddy Verde, who I think should retire to a life as a Northern Neck writer. Anyone who can come up with such a term should be writing.) But as you no doubt by now know, I can't help myself.

I must admit I am taking great pleasure in the demise of Joe (2%) Lieberman to, the heretofore unknown, Ned Lamont in his bid for a fourth Senate term. (2% is about the most Lieberman received in votes in any of the 2004 democratic presidential election primaries.) That well publicized Bush kiss and his gushing praise for Bush's Iraq policies are coming back to bite the arrogant bastard in the butt. Realizing that he will lose the democratic primary in early August, Lieberman has filed the necessary signatures to enable him to run as a repubdependent.

Lamont is leading the three term senator in all demographic groups except those over 65 and even the NYT has turned against him.

The establishment media and pundits are blaming the "netroots" for Lieberman's political problems. I think his problems have more to do with his hubris, and his sense that he is entitled to his senate seat.

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