Monday, July 24, 2006


Tonight I am in Villahermosa, with one days drive left to Merida. I’m pretty sure I will never return to this city. This afternoon I paid my first ever bride in the time I’ve been in Mexico.

Driving around the city looking for a place to stay for the night I pulled into a traffic lane reserved for buses and cooperatives. A police officer pulled up behind me and motioned for me to do a U turn and pull over. He explained the lane was reserved, I apologized and he asked for my driver’s license and registration. After telling me he would have to write me a ticket and that I would have to go tomorrow to pay it he began to walk toward his car. He turned around, came back and began explaining that if I put something in his mano he wouldn’t write me a ticket. I asked how much and he answered whatever I thought. I gave him $100. pesos and we both went on our ways. A violation of my principles, to be sure, but in this case expediency prevailed.

The best thing I can say about Villahermosa, of the limited area I saw, is that it has a highway that runs right through the middle of it which permits one to transit the city without stopping.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This happened to me in Cabo and the secret is to not give the crook your license. After giving this fat ass my license and figuring out he was screwing my, I told him to write the ticket. He lowered his price substantially.