Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Galloway v Di Rita. It's No Contest.

Check out this email exchange between Joe Galloway, renown and awarding winning Knight Ridder military correspondent and commentator, and Rumsfeld spokesperson Larry Di Rita.

It's one thing to be an hubristic, incompetent Secretary of Defense who has publicly derided and dismissed professional military officers who have expressed military judgments which didn't square with neoconservative ideology. It's entirely another to disclaim any responsibility for wasting the nation's military resources and personnel in pursuance of the neofascist chimera of world domination.

Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Feith, Cambone, and the rest of Bush's Pentagon civilian brass, should be charged with, and tried for, treason and war crimes.

1 comment:

You Know Me said...


I love your suggestion that Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz be appointed ministers in the new Iraqi “government”. One could only hope they would be terminated by Iraqi ‘freedom fighters” with extreme prejudice.

I, of course, also share your view on the impeachment of Bush and Cheney. I suggest that Bush’s punishment be that he be made to work behind the counter at a Burger King in some backwater Texas town until he is 65 or until the smirk is removed from his face, which ever occurs later. Cheney should also be sent to Iraq to ride shotgun for Wolfowitz.

I have not read Galloway’s book but will indeed look for it at the MEL. If I’m not mistaking (always a dubious proposition) I think there was also a movie.