Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Appeals Court Judge Goes to Work for Boeing

What was it Eisenhower said about the military/industrial complex?

Judge Luttig finally had enough of the Bush administration B. S. in the Jose Padilla case, called the administration on it's screwing of Padilla, and was plucked from the bench, with a doubling or tripling of is salary, by Boeing, which will presumbly profit handsomely by removing a Bush administration embarassment.

1 comment:

You Know Me said...

I hope you're right about the pendulum swinging, but am afraid in the case of Being it would make no difference.

Scoop Jackson's moniker of "The Senator from Boeing" has been passed on to Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell, who are both dutiful Boeing pimps. And, of course, there's also Norm Dicks, Boeing House pimp. Boeing’s business of farming the federal treasury will certainly continue under a democratic administration.