I have a couple of other pictures to post but Blogger won't post pictures at the moment.
It took three trips to bring my stuff from my dog pound apartment, which was also furthest from the street, to my new digs. I didn’t enjoy the use of a hand truck or cart so the process involved lots of trips from the apartment to the truck and from the truck to the new apartment. So by the end of the day I was spent and didn’t make it to the internet cafĂ©. During the moving process the manager here informed me that there is a locked parking lot next to the apartment building where I may park my truck at no additional charge.
Additionally, I found that the cable TV service had not been disconnected so yesterday after completing the move, buying a six pack of Modelo, and plopping on the couch I was able to watch the Seattle Seahawks seemingly lose to ST. Louis in the last couple minutes on a Hail Mary pass, only to win with 4 seconds left on a 54 yard field goal.
Today I arranged for internet and TV service through Cable Mas, opting for the 1 mbs service and returned the keys to the dog pound apartment to Rosie.
Just as I expected Rosie informed me that she would not return my deposit as I had not lived there for six months, as provided in the contract I signed. I told her that was fine; but also told her that I had signed the contract before I knew the roof over the bathroom leaked, above which reside a number of dogs, and before she had told me she had twenty some dogs. She said she was very sorry, though I think her insincerity was manifest.
I’m am so relieved to be done with living there that I couldn’t care less about the $1,600 peso deposit. Here, the welcome mat is out, which I just bought today.
Love the tiles and the hanging maidenhair fern. Hope that algae growing on the wall isn't a sign of something really bad! Looks like a nice place.
Thanks for the congratulations I neglected to thank you for yesterday.
The apartment building passageway is uncovered. I think the "algae" is dirt from rain water splash.
The dog pound apartment was so wet that mold grew on my spare shoes and anything else leather.
This apartment is well ventilated, quite cool when warm out doors, but still a bit dark until mid day.
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