Saturday, March 04, 2006

John McCain - Amoral Fraud

Kevin Drum is spot on in his appraisal of McCain. The guy is a fraudulent bag of wind. He beat his chest about the importance of his "anti-torture" bill and garnered lots of favorable publicity. The problem is that bill denies individuals who are tortured recourse to the courts.

The "Detainee Treatment Act of 2005" should have been more accurately named the "McCain Presidential Ambitions Promotion Act."


Anonymous said...

In desperation it was easy to support McCain as the alternative - Bush - was every bit as disastrous as many feared. Weaning politicians from the pig trough of pork is exactly what is needed. Unfortunately McCain seems now to be pandering to the reupblican base in a desperate last try to be President. Because of this he will lose the the support he did have. Unless the republican well of brain dead followers like Bush is completely dry, McCain has no chance.


You Know Me said...

Nice to hear from you NL,

I think you're right. I don't think the "Christian Right", as they are called, will give McCain their votes. I think either Senator George Allen or Jeb Bush will wipe McCain's ass with the Christian Right, which to a large degre controls the nomination process. And I also think that Condoleeza Rice doesn't have a chance at the nomination, after all she's a woman and African American (even though she seems to denhy the fact).

As always I could be completely wrong.