Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Summer Stock

Summer Stock, last night’s Cine Club de la UV offering in its musical comedy series, was actually quite enjoyable. Judy Garland could really belt out a tune, and could match Gene Kelly tap for tap. Phil Sivers (whom to me will always be Sgt. Bilko) was cast to type.

The show actually had a plot, and, of course, the obligatory romance, in this case between Garland and Kelly. There was also a great solo tap dance routine by Kelly during which he shuffle danced upon and repeatedly tore in half with his feet a full sheet of newspaper laying on the stage.

Tomorrow night it’s An American in Paris.


Marie McC said...

Amazon and deepdiscountdvd.com both ship internationally, if you want to increase your DVD supply. I order 99.99% of all DVDs from Deep Discount because they have better prices and a better selection.

I really missed movies when I was in Togo.

You Know Me said...

So what are you really saying? That sitting through movies such as Summer Stock, Ziegfeld Follies, and etc. are a sign of my desperation?

I'm just kidding, of course.