Sunday, September 10, 2006

Purposeful Walking

You may remember that last March I reported that a Diario de Yucatan photographer, in the paper’s continuing campaign to shame city authorities into repairing pedestrian hazards, had caught me in mid-stride stepping over such a hazard and that the picture subsequently appeared in the newspaper.

I had commented that one of the things I like about Merida, and Mexico in general, is that one is responsible to watch where one walks. Folks who fall while walking don’t get paid by their local government, such as occurs in the USA, thanks to big hearted, small minded jurors. “Purposeful walking” is how I think Kat of KaTravels blog put it.

Here in Xalapa purposeful walking takes on a new meaning. While the sidewalks here are generally in good shape they are littered with dog crap hazards that require one’s attention. Often an earlier passerby wasn’t paying attention and thereafter has left skid marks a ways along the sidewalk in an effort to dislodge the offending material.

There are lots of dogs here, which again leads me to ask what is it with folks who live in cities keeping dogs?


Anonymous said...

Hi Chris,

Great to read that you're adjusting to your new city! Zalapa sounds like a pretty interesting place; Jody and I might get there are some point and have you show us the high points. And, of course, introduce us to Rosie!

Neil and Jody

You Know Me said...

Hi Neil and Jody,

Nice to hear from you, as always. I'll be happy to show you the high points when you visit. I've got a lot more high point exploring to do before I'll be a good guide, though.

There is a gringo fellow here, of whom I've only read, who has live here for 28 years, has a photo/video business, and as a sideline hires himself out as a guide to gringo tourists. I'll have to get an Ural with a sidecar before I go in to the guide business.

Take care.