Monday, September 26, 2005

Pat Tillman

Remember Pat Tillman? Tillman graduated summa cum lade from Arizona State; was a star high school and college football player; played professionally for the Arizona Cardinals; and, in the wake of the 9-11 attacks, passed on a lucrative Cardinals contract extension offer to enlist in the army to fight al Queda in Afghanistan.

Tillman was shot to death by members of his own army unit and for the subsequent 5 weeks the Dept. of War proferred a story that Tillman was killed in a heroic fight with enemy forces. Shortly before Tillman's unit was due to ship home officials in the Dept. of War apparently decided they had better own up to the truth and revealed that Tillman had been killed by "friendly fire."

Despite a number of investigations, one of which is ongoing, the truth of Tillman's killing has never been definitively enunciated. I wonder why the Dept. of War lied about Tillman's death? Similarly, why did the DOW lie about the Jessica Lynch affair? In either case, it seems to me, lies were told purely for public relations purposes; and, it seems, that those who proferred the BS arrogantly thought they could get away with theirs lies.

Read the San Francisco Chronicle article.

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