Sunday, June 19, 2005

The Depravity of Bill Frist and Jeb Bush

During the media circus manufactured around the Theresa Schiavo matter, by demagogic politicians hoping to sew up the radical right vote for the 2008 presidential campaign, Senate majority leader Dr. Bill Frist, as you’ll remember, pronounced upon the Senate floor that he had watched a one hour video of Ms. Schiavo and determined that she was not in a persistent vegetative state.

"Speaking more as a physician than as a U.S. senator,” Frist , on the Senate floor on March 17, questioned the repeated diagnosis of Ms. Schiavo’s persistent vegetative state, “I say that I question it, and I question it based on a review of the video footage which I spent an hour or so looking at last night in my office here in the Capitol,''.

Then on June 16, after release of Schaivo's autopsy results which indicated that her brain had atrophied to half the normal expected size, that she was blind, and that there was no prospect for her recovery, Dr. Frist declared that "I would never attempt to make a diagnosis by videotape.''

So not only is Frist such a lousy doctor that he publicly pronounces a diagnosis based upon his viewing a one hour video, but he’s also a liar.

I bet Frist is just dying to see the negative ads to be trotted out on this subject during his 2008 presidential campaign.

For pure depravity, though, it would be very difficult, indeed, to descend further into the depths of such depravity than has Florida Governor Jeb Bush, who has requested an investigation into charges of spousal abuse against Michael Schiavo. Governor Bush has 2008 aspirations of his own.

I just love how the good soldiers of the radically sanctimonious wing of the republican party are all for smaller government; until, that is, they sense an opportunity to utilize the awesome power of the federal government to restrict personal freedom in the pursuance of their agenda to impose their “moral” values upon the rest of us.

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