Thursday, June 02, 2005


The revelation of the identity of "Deep Throat", Woodward and Bernstien's source for their award winning Watergate investigative reports who remained unidentified for 30 years, elicits memories of the drama of the Congressional Watergate hearings and the ultimate demise of President Nixon.

The nonpartisan Watergate hearings, the prosecutions of many nefarious Nixon adminstration officials , and the impeachment and resignation of Nixon demonstrated to even the most cynical that justice could ultimately prevail in our system of government.

I believe that, in terms of mendacity and venality, President Bush and his minions have rendered Nixon to piker status; and I do not expect similar justice to be visited upon the President or any administration officials, who have lied their way into an unjust, beastly war against a nation that posed no threat to the U.S. and which has killed tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians.

If you or I lie to Congress we will suffer legal sanctions, but elected officials may lie to us with impunity without consequence. I think that elected or appointed government officials who lie to the public should be subject to the same penalties to which we are subject for lying to Congress. And I hope to some day see Bush et al answer for their crimes.

Read Bob Woodward's story of "How Mark Felt Became 'Deep Throat'"

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