Friday, July 08, 2005

Scum Buckets of FOX News

London subways and busses are bombed, upwards of 50 people are killed, hundreds wounded, and what does FOX news have to say about it.

Here's Brit Hume the top FOX newsperson (propagandist.)
"My first thought when I heard - just on a personal basis, when I heard there had been this attack and I saw the futures this morning, which were really in the tank, I thought, 'Hmmm, time to buy."

Fox News's Brit Hume, 7/7/05

And here's FOX talking hairdo Brian Kilmeade.
"And he [British Prime Minister Tony Blair] made the statement, clearly shaken, but clearly determined. This is his second address in the last hour. First to the people of London, and now at the G8 summit, where their topic Number 1 --believe it or not-- was global warming, the second was African aid. And that was the first time since 9-11 when they should know, and they do know now, that terrorism should be Number 1. But it's important for them all to be together. I think that works to our advantage, in the Western world's advantage, for people to experience something like this together, just 500 miles from where the attacks have happened."

This is truly nauseating stuff. What's more nauseating is that millions of folks take FOX News seriously and eagerly lap up the crap it spews.


Anonymous said...

What are you doing watching Fox? Fox has become a tabloid - what use to be called a useless rag. I watch Fox once a week on Saturday morning to listen to their Wall Street programs. When the little girl was found in Idaho, Fox interrupted these shows to play nonstop tabloid reporting despite that they had absolutely nothing to report. I was ashamed for their network. Only Sheeple watch Fox.


You Know Me said...

I don’t watch FAUX News. I ran across the quotes somewhere in the blogosphere.

Incidentally, enter “Powell Manifesto” in your search engine and you will find a 1971 treaties by Lewis Powell laying out what has become known as the vast right wing conspiracy, to which FAUX serves a ministry of information.